Thursday, April 26, 2012

Butterfly Release!

Today we released our butterflies! What a fun and memorable experience for the kids. Very special thanks to Brooke and her mom for providing us with the caterpillars. They all learned so much about the life cycle of a butterfly.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Star Student Robert!

Robert was our Star Student for the week of April 16th.  Robert shared a variety of pictures from when his was little to recent photos. Robert is a great reader and also loves math. The class enjoyed his treat bags filled with lots of goodies!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Grammy came in for a lesson on insects. She read a book to the class and brought special bug glasses for the students to look through. They loved looking through the bug glasses to see what things look like in the eyes of a bug!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Our caterpillars are changing!

Our caterpillars have begun the process of changing into chrysalises! The kids are so excited to watch them go through their life cycle. The one that is upside down in the picture actually changed throughout the day into a chrysalis. Now we will just wait to see them change into butterflies! Thank you so much Mrs. Hoffman for providing our class with this awesome learning experience.

Happy Birthday Mrs. Ridout!

The kids all made cards for Mrs. Ridout's birthday yesterday! She was so happy and surprised! Thank you to all of the parents who made the day extra special for her. We had cake, flowers, cards and lots of love in room #22.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Star Student: Paige!

Paige was our Star Student this week and she shared her photos to the class today! Paige is such a great student and really loves it when her Grammy comes in to teach us new things. Paige is also always a good friend and has a big heart. Yay Paige!

Learning about the Lifecyle of a Butterfly!

We have been learning all about the Lifecycle of a Butterfly in class this week. Special thanks to Mrs. Hoffman who donated some caterpillars so that the kids can really get an up close look at the metamorphosis! They have gotten so big already!

We can't wait to see how they grow and change!

Learning about Insects with Grammy!

Grammy came to teach us all about Insects this week. We learned that insects have six legs, they have a stylet (a mouth shaped like a straw) that they use to suck plant juices from plants, and insects have their skeletons on the outside, with their soft parts inside.
We made antennae headbands and even got to drink water out of a straw just like an insect!

We also learned about how spiders are not insects, but are arachnids and discussed the differences.

We made a cute spider too! Special thanks to Grammy for always teaching us lots of interesting facts!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Updates for Parents

Upcoming Important Dates
- April 5th Planning Day - No school for students
- April 6th - No School
- April 9th "Grammy" Project
- April 11th Early Release
- April 25th Early Release

* We will be sending field trip info home soon. Please sign and return ASAP for the upcoming trip. If possible, please send in exact change.

* Please send in an old shoe for a project with "Grammy". If you would like to send in the pair, we can use the extra one for anyone who did not have one. Thanks!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Star Student: Charles!

Charles was our Star Student last week and shared his pictures and a yummy snack of pretzels and juice. Charles is such a sweet boy who loves watching wrestling and playing soccer. He is helpful to everyone and has many friends in class. Thank you to Charles' dad for joining us as well. Yay Charles!

Mile Run!

Today, the kids ran the Mile Run and everyone did such a great job! We always try to encourage the kids to just do their best no matter what and to not give up! Great job everybody and special thanks to Kylie's Mom, Mrs. Bodkin for taking photos!