Thursday, May 17, 2012

Reader's Theater

We have been practicing Reader's Theater in class and the kids will be ready to perform for you on Monday, June 4th at 12:15 in the Media Center. Our class Luau party will be after Reader's Theater in our classroom. We will be performing "Click, Clack, Moo Cows that Type", "Rumplestiltskin", "The Hat" by Jan Brett, and "The Three Billy Goats Gruff." Reader's Theater is something we like to do at the end of the year each year to better develop reading fluency & accuracy. There will be no costumes, but rather the kids will read from a script using expressive voice. You can check out videos from last year's class on our blog- click on 2011 and the month of June.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Book Parade and Play Day

We had such a fun time this week with the book character parade on Monday and Play Day on Wednesday!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Field Study: Steve Trash & Sunshine Park

Yesterday, we went on our last field study for the year to see Steve Trash and then had lunch and fun times at Sunshine Park. The kids really enjoyed learning all about recycling from Steve and he even showed us many cool magic tricks! We had so much fun!
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5th Grade Flag Raising Performance

Today, Alimacani 5th graders gave a remarkable performance dedicated  to all of their Alimacani teachers. It bought tears to many eyes  (including yours truly) in the crowd and was truly a memorable  performance. It was even more special to Mrs. Ridout and I because this  is the graduating class from our first year teaching. We love all of our  students so much and each one of them has a special place in our hearts  forever. Way to go 5th graders and their amazing teachers who put this  together. Check out the awesome video.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Mrs. Ridout's Titanic display!

For the month of April, our school's book of the month was "Heroes of the Titanic." Little did we know that we have a direct descendant of the Titanic- our very own Mrs. Ridout! Mrs. Ridout's great great grandfather, John Cribb, and his daughter (Mrs. Ridout's great grandmother, Laura Cribb) both sailed on the Titanic. Her great great grandfather did not survive, but his daughter did survive and because of this- Mrs. Ridout is here today! How cool is that?! What an amazing tale of heroism. 
Our principal, Ms. Stalls, didn't even know about Mrs. Ridout's family connection when she chose the book of the month. After we told her about it, she insisted that we help her decorate a display case to the memory of her heroic family. Check out the display across from the Library.  

Laura Cribb
John Cribb

Book Character Dress up Day!

Just a reminder that Monday, May 7th is our school wide book character dress up day! We love to celebrate literacy by having the kids who dress up bring the book and march in a parade! We will have the parade at 9am and would love to participate as a class! So think of something creative- it doesn't have to be a costume- just use your imagination and create something out of some clothes you may already have at home!

Star Student: Emma

Emma was our Star Student last week and presented her photos to the class. Her mom joined us and gave each child in class a treat bag! Emma is very helpful in class and is a great student! She is so sweet and has many friends in class. Thanks again to Emma and her Mom!