Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Science: Potato Planting with Grammy!

Yesterday, our class planted cut up potatoes to grow potatoes!

First, we had to put soil in some big pots that Grammy brought in for us. We had to put newspaper on the bottom of the pot so the water won't drain out of the holes.

All of the kids got a chance to scoop in some soil with their hands to fill the pot up with about 4 inches of soil.

Next, we had to plant our cut up potatoes with their "eyes to the sky" as Grammy said.

Finally, we needed to water the soil so the potatoes can grow!

Grammy also brought us a delicious snack of potato sticks, potato chips and a cheese sandwich on- you guessed it- Potato BREAD!! YUM! Thanks again Grammy!
We wrote about our predictions and what we want to know about growing potatoes in our Science Journals and we are going to write about our observations as our potatoes grow over the next few weeks!

1 comment:

  1. We love Grammy! She always teaches us so much every time she visits.
