Thursday, May 3, 2012

Mrs. Ridout's Titanic display!

For the month of April, our school's book of the month was "Heroes of the Titanic." Little did we know that we have a direct descendant of the Titanic- our very own Mrs. Ridout! Mrs. Ridout's great great grandfather, John Cribb, and his daughter (Mrs. Ridout's great grandmother, Laura Cribb) both sailed on the Titanic. Her great great grandfather did not survive, but his daughter did survive and because of this- Mrs. Ridout is here today! How cool is that?! What an amazing tale of heroism. 
Our principal, Ms. Stalls, didn't even know about Mrs. Ridout's family connection when she chose the book of the month. After we told her about it, she insisted that we help her decorate a display case to the memory of her heroic family. Check out the display across from the Library.  

Laura Cribb
John Cribb

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